FNOR™ is neuro-orthopedic rehabilitation enhanced by cutting-edge brain science. It offers non-surgical, non-pharmaceutical solutions for a wide range of symptoms and conditions. The FNOR™ approach to pain includes an evolving range of innovative, clinical techniques drawing from a number of clinical disciplines intersecting at the human nervous system.
Functional Neuro-Orthopedic Rehabilitation (FNOR™) is a combination of neuroscience, physical therapy, biotechnology and pain management, effectively applied to a range of common orthopedic conditions including:
- ARM AND SHOULDER CONDITIONS (e.g. rotator cuff injury, frozen shoulder, shoulder pain, tennis elbow, golfers elbow.)
- SPINE CONDITIONS (e.g. lower back pain, neck pain, spinal stenosis, disc injury.)
- HIP AND LEG PROBLEMS (e.g. IT band syndrome, hip arthritis and pain, knee pain, runners knee, Achilles tendon pain, plantar fasciitis.)